Be it any season – summer, autmn or winter – Potato rules the world of vegetables. Go to any corner of the world and you are bound to find awesome potato dishes in each cuisine! I believe the love for Potatoes everywhere for everyone is undying. And amongst all the potato-preparations, fries would win the crown for…
Homemade Chocolate Pecan Fudge
It’s official, holiday season is upon us! Here is in Minnesota snow has worked its miracles, everything looks stark white and magical and above all screams Christams! Come Christmas and my sweet-tooth gets more out of control, with all the holiday baking and all things chocolate-y. My parents would say the first word out of…
Homemade Pita Chips
It would be unfair not to post homemade pita chips recipe after posting two dips back to back, right? So, here it is! My tried and tested home-made pita chips – Thick, Crispy, Crunchy and Salty! So much better in flavor and texture than the store-bought ones I tell ya! And did i mention it…
Roasted Garlic Hummus
I’ve been experimenting with my hummus recipes for as long as I can remember. I have spent a substential amount of hours in the kitchen and a good few hours of reading blog posts to find that perfect recipe since quite some time! I have grown up from extra thick and chunky hummus to really…
Quick and Easy Guacamole + Guacamole 101
Let me just begin with saying ” There is no right or wrong recipe of Guacamole” . Say What??! Then why am I here talking about recipe of gaucamole you ask? To this i would say – This is kinda my version of Guacamole, which I have fed to friends and family and numurous get-togethers with…
Coconut – Almond Energy Balls
These are hand down my favorite go-to, easy-peasy, ready in minutes a.k.a. P-E-R-F-E-C-T snack of all time! Thats all there it is to know! Like seriously! I am one of those people who love snacking more so than the actual meals during the day. I actually plan to make snacks during the weekends so that…
Oven Roasted Maple – Rosemary Glazed Carrots
Did you know that eating too much of carrots can actually turn you orange?? I mean orange-ish? You think I am joking, See this ! 😀 But don’t let that stop you from eating carrots, or making this amazingly delicious, sweet and tender carrot dish. These can make up for a delicious side dish, a…